1992 Developers Competition Application Dear Competitor: Thank you for your interest in competing in the 1992 Developers Competition. It looks like it will be one of the most exciting events of 1992. As you may imagine, the management of this event can be almost overwhelming. For this reason, we have designed this application to be a one-step process. To secure a spot, fill out this application, include complete payment, and we will send your confirmation and hotel information package. If you had contacted us earlier, we have reserved a spot for you up until six weeks from the date of this application. Please fill out the application completely as the information you provide will be used in the proceedings. Otherwise, team numbers will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Get your application in early! Team Member #1 Team Member #2 Name: _______________________ ___________________________ Company: _______________________ ___________________________ Address: _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________ ___________________________ Work Phone: _______________________ ___________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ ___________________________ Fax Phone: _______________________ ___________________________ CompuServe ID: _______________________ ___________________________ SSN if not Inc. _______________________ ___________________________ Company Profile for the Proceedings (250 words): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Development Environment: Language __________________________________ Libraries __________________________________ __________________________________ Linker __________________________________ Hardware Platform __________________________________ Software OS __________________________________ Case Tools __________________________________ Code Generator __________________________________ Template Language __________________________________ Report Writer __________________________________ Editor __________________________________ Multi-Tasking OS __________________________________ What are the hardware and software products the user would have to purchase in order to use your application. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Complete Payment by check is required with your application. All but $100 of the total is refundable up to 30 days before the competition. Make checks payable to Droege Computing Services. ______ Competition ($200 for each Competitor) ______ Utility Charge, Electricity, Table Rental etc ($28/team) ______ On-Line Competition ($300 for each Team) ______ Deduction for advance deposit (a few have already sent checks) ______ Total Amount Enclosed By participating in the 1992 Developer's Competition, you agree to the following: Rights to each application will remain with the software developer. Each developer grants license to use the program at no charge to the following: 1) The company/organization for which the application is being written, 2) to The 1992 Developers Competition for inclusion in "The Proceedings" and 3) for any other use deemed useful by the Developers Competition. With the exception of providing "The Proceedings" at moderate cost ($50-$100), no entity besides the original developer has the right to sell, market or distribute the applications. It is the duty of the developer to include appropriate copyright notices to this effect. Any future business arrangement between you and the company/organization will be made solely by you and the that company/organization and will not involve the 1992 Developer's Competition. By signing this agreement, you also understand that the decision of the judges is final and no protests will be allowed. You must sign this agreement to be eligible to compete in this competition. _________________________________________ ____/____/____ 1st Participant Date _________________________________________ ____/____/____ 2nd Participant Date If you play an instrument, would you like to participate in the Developers Competition "Super Session?" ______ Return application with Payment to: Droege Computing Services, Inc 1816 Front Street Suite 130 Durham, NC 27705 For additional information contact Tom Droege, 919-383-9749, Fax# 919- 382-7422 or reach me on CompuServe 73607,1717.